Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Man With Two Forks

In the sometimes minimalist world of men who live alone, Clark Memminger probably isn’t too much out of the ordinary in a lot of ways.

Clark is a confirmed bachelor, a status that he and every woman he has ever met seem determined to perpetuate.

Not that he’s complaining. At 57 he has pretty much come to grips with the fact that he’s never going to get married. There are worse fates he reasoned, like having a giant wart growing on the end of your nose or not having cable TV.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Woman Who Loved Richard X. Slattery

Richard X. Slattery

For many people the road of life includes spots where their dreams come up against the brick wall of reality.
Some simply recalculate their route and go on. Others back up and keep ramming into that wall over and over again. Every once in a while someone will break through. But sadly the usual ending is the wall comes crumbling down, burying their hopes along with them.

Such was the spirit-breaking plight of Twila Morgenstern, known along Patterson Avenue simply as The Woman Who Loved Richard X. Slattery.