Thursday, March 26, 2015

Two Chocolate Chips off the Old Block

Outside of Cain and Abel, it’s hard to picture two more competitive brothers than Al and Anthony Butterman.

All their lives the siblings, who were born just 10 months apart (what can we say, their mom Joyce didn’t waste any time) competed in just about everything they did.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Rolling With the Gift of Gab

Mitchell Lowenstein liked to refer to himself as a people person. 

A people person is what some folks prefer to call themselves when they realize their greatest skill is they’re very comfortable talking to anyone about anything. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

On a Positive Note

Somewhere along the line, where the approach to raising children changed from how their folks did it to how they do it today, some modern parents struck upon the idea that nothing can be more important than their children having high self-esteem.

Feeling good about yourself was imperative, they reasoned. Their children could only excel if they looked at themselves as talented and gifted individuals destined to do great things in their lives. They were special, and it was important they and everyone else, even those who didn’t care a lick, knew that.